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Genetically Modified (GM) – Accurascale Takes Route 66 With Latest Locomotive Release in 00/4mm!

Genetically Modified (GM) – Accurascale Takes Route 66 With Latest Locomotive Release in 00/4mm!

So, who guessed right? Welcome to Shed Heaven!

The latest locomotive to join our growing range in 00/4mm – the EMD Class 66 diesel electric, is an essential one for our range. It's the perfect accompaniment to haul our now extensive range of high quality modern wagon models.

With so many Irishmen in the Accurascale family too, it was about time an EMD locomotive was added to the range, considering they have dominated the Irish scene for 60 years!

(Obligatory delicious pic from our friends at Hornby Mag!) 

So, welcome to the AccuraShed. But how has this come about?


When entering the British outline market five years ago, we were aware of the highly impressive model of the Class 66 that Hattons Model Railways had developed in house and released onto the market. This model received great acclaim, winning numerous awards.

In late 2022 a deal was struck between Accurascale and Hattons for Accurascale to take on the Hattons Class 66 tooling, and further enhance the locomotive in running characteristics, build quality, detail variation and electronics to match it to the level of the rest of our locomotive range. This model will now be a part of our range going forwards.

So our GM has indeed been Genetically Modified! 

Don't fancy reading about it? Then check out the sample in action as Steve and Mike Wild of Hornby Magazine discuss the model below:


Enhanced features include:

  • Axle boxes have been redesigned to make them more secure and ensure smooth running (drawing on experience with the IRM A Class). There are still some improvements required here with them currently being a tad too long, but these are currently being further refined. 

  • Decoder Access has been improved by the provision of a lift off roof section which also reveals the switches for DC operation.

  • Enhanced PCB featuring pogo connectors and twin speakers; a sugar cube speaker and Accurathrash bass reflex speaker.
  • Lighting revised to provide accurate representation of Day, night and yard mode in all configurations.

  • Hall sensor fitted to DCC sound models to automatically activate flange squeal on tighter radii.
  • Cab bulkheads and control pedestal are now moulded with details in relief each end is correct with either single or twin entrance door.

  • Coil springs on the bogie now rotating in the correct direction.
  • Cab access step and handrails have been moved from body mount to chassis mount to allow for breakage free access to chassis (for when fitting crew etc).
  • Roof Radiator fan grille redesigned to be secured better to the model (and be further refined than these pre-production etches show!) 

The tooling suite for the Class 66 was already extensive, allowing for multiple different evolutions across the life of the real locomotives. However, as with doing models “The Accurascale Way”, further modifications have been carried out to add even greater variation to the range, featuring;

  • Addition of a second style of cab interior, relevant to the model. Either the original pedestal type cab or later wrap around desk
  • Two different types of sandpipe fixture on the bogie; angled or straight.
  • Addition of square cut outs guard irons for relevant locos
  • Cab Front Handrails now have the option of 5 point or 7 point mounting with correct round profile handrail mounts.
  • Parts to cover recent "Euro Imports" currently being tooled and will feature in future production runs.

A total of six different locomotives make up the first production run as follows:

66004 – DB Climate Hero Livery

The third class 66 to land on British soil back in 1998, 66004 was treated to its eye catching ‘Climate Hero’ livery during 2021 as part of a program to promote freight on rail by owners DB. The real 66004 runs on a diet of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, living up to its ‘climate hero’ credentials.

66167 – DB Traffic Red

The ‘red revolution’ is slowly changing shade. 66167 is carrying the current vibrant house colours of owner DB. Testament to the quality of repaint back in 2019 the loco still looks fresh today and can be seen all across the network.

66171 – EWS Maroon and Gold

Approaching 25 years old and still in its original maroon and gold, 66171 has had a few additional warning labels but still carries the moniker of its original owner, EWS. A real go anywhere locomotive and is suitable for use right up to the present day.

66122 - DRS

Out of Sequence! The universal nature of the Class 66 means that transfers and sales between owners/operators are relatively common. 66122 is one of those. It was one of several locomotives hired by DRS and as such carries DB modifications like auto couplers and wing mirrors but the house colours of new operator DRS.

66507 – Freightliner Green and Yellow

Freightliner were the second operating company to enter the class 66 game with the first of their locomotives arriving in 1999. Nicknamed 'freds' - a portmanteau of Freightliner and Shed, 66507 represents the standard freightliner class 66 of the early noughties,


66763 - GBRf

Nearing the end of class 66 orders, production was shifted to Muncie in the USA. This change carried with it some subtle differences that we can see on this model. Named ‘Severn Valley Railway’ in 2016, it can be seen here with the current day ‘europorte’ branding removed.

The modification to the tooling is now complete and production for the first batch of six different running numbers/liveries will soon begin, with some “Accurascale Exclusives” special editions to follow later in the year, so keep an eye out for them!

Delivery is slated for Q1 2024, with prices of £169.99 for DC/DCC ready and £259.99 DCC Sound fitted.

Check out the range and pre-order with your local stockist, or right here!

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