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Napier Roar! Listen to Our Deltic Digital Sounds and Update!

Napier Roar! Listen to Our Deltic Digital Sounds and Update!

After almost four months of waiting due to lockdown, we have finally been able to hear our first draft of our Deltic DCC sound project! There are some tweaks required, but just listen to that Napier roar!

We also present an update on the model and tooling enhancements currently being carried out in China. Make sure you like and subscribe to our YouTube Channel, Facebook page, Twitter feed, email newsletter and follow our website and RMWeb for further updates!

Watch our video below.

As well as our video, we can bring you a full list of functions for the Deltic, so you can see just how impressive the DCC functionality is on these beasts!

Key Function
 F0 Headlights Front/Rear
F1 Sound on/off
F2 Air Horn (high)
F3 Air Horn (low)
F4 Radiator Fans
F5 Heavy Load
F6 Acceleration/brake time, Shunting Mode/Shunting speed
F7 Flange Squeal 
F8 Brake Function 1 / Independent Brake
F9 Compressed Air let Off
F10 Guard Whistle
F11 Red Marker lights
F12 Cab Light
F13 Brake Set/Release Automatic
F14 Station-Announcements (female)
F15 Station-Announcements (male)
F16 Open / Close Cab Door
F17 Brake Function 2 / Automatic Brake Emergency
F18 Steam Heating System
F19 Sound Fader
F20 Disable Brake Squeal Sound
F21 Air Spitter Valve
F22 Headlight/Night
F23 Depot Light
F24 Compressor
F25 Engine Room Light
F26 Manual Notching Up
F27 Manual Notching Down
F28 Manual Notching Logic
F29 Apply/Release Hand Brake
F30 Coupler Clank


 Station Announcement Female (F14)
CV168=0 10am Flying Scotsman
CV168=1 11am KX - Glasgow Queen Street
CV168=2 4pm Talisman
CV168=3 5pm Tees-Tyne Pullman
CV168=4 7.55am KX - Newcastle
CV168=5 12pm KX - Aberdeen
CV168=6 7.45am KX - Waverley
CV168=7 3.55pm Leeds Executive
CV168=8 1.05pm Lime St - York


Station Announcement Male (F15)
CV169=0 8am Talisman
CV169=1 9am Tees-Tyne Pullman
CV169=2 10.15am Newcastle - KX
CV169=3 10am Flying Scotsman
CV169=4 4pm Waverley - KX
CV169=5 7.25am Newcastle Executive


8.50am York - Lime St


Brake Squeal
CV165=0  Brake Squeal#1
CV165=1 Brake Squeal#2
CV165=2 Brake Squeal#3
CV165=3 Brake Squeal#4


Does our latest video tickle your fancy? Tempted to add one of these beasts to your locomotive stud? Pre-order with a deposit of just £30 here today!

Previous article New Announcement; Finally, the HTO and HTV 21 Tonners In OO/4mm!