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New Nuclear, Cawoods and Gypsum PFA Packs In Stock!

New Nuclear, Cawoods and Gypsum PFA Packs In Stock!

Earlier this year, our PFA wagons caused something of a stir when they arrived in stock. Gaining universal acclaim from customers and the modelling press, including a hugely impressive 97% score in their Model Rail magazine review, many packs sold out in record time!

Due to customer demand, we have now produced additional packs of our PFAs with Cawoods Coal containers, low level nuclear waste packs, and in the white British Gypsum livery!

As Fran explains in the below video, we havent just been lazy and reissued the same packs again. These packs have new running numbers, so they will complement existing rakes as well as appeal to everyone who missed out first time round!

Not only that, but we also are now offering two different packs of our gypsum containers on their own as accessory packs, so you can use them on other PFA flats, depot scenes or lorry loads!

There are two Cawoods packs, two nuclear waste packs and a single pack of British Gypsum in white livery, which complements our existing stock of blue liveried packs (although these are quite low in stock themselves!)

These packs all sold out within days in some cases and are currently on the high seas and due in stock late July/early August. Pre-orders are now open with each pack priced at £69.95 for three wagons and the gypsum container accessory packs priced at £19.95 for three containers. Due to the COVID19 situation the size of this production run is limited in size due to factory backlogs so these may not hang around for long. Place your pre-order ASAP to secure your order via this link.

Look out for further announcements in the coming weeks!

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