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CIE/IR Mk.2b/c Passenger Coach - CIE Orange - 4 Coach Pack B


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CIE/IR Mk.2b/c Coidse Luchd-siubhail - CIE Orange - 4 Pasgan Coidse B

Mk.2c Ph2 SO (seann-FO) 4106 Mullach Orains
Mk.2c Ph2 SO (ex-FO) 4107 Mullach Orains
Mk.2b SO (ex-FK) 4109 Mullach orains
Mk.2c Ph1 SO (ex-FK) 4112 Mullach orainds

Feartan cumanta:

  • Tomhas OO fìor mhionaideach / 1: 76.2 Modalan sgèile air slighe 16.5mm
  • Mion-fhiosrachadh seam taobh a-muigh air leth math air mullach is coidse
  • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs gu fa-leth agus pàirtean plastaig àrd-dhìlseachd, a’ toirt a-steach rèilichean-làimhe, pìoban teas breic / smùid, càballan ETH agus socaidean, ceuman-coise, inneal-ceangail cnap-starra cnapach, agus fionnaichean mullaich
  • Glainne gun phrìs
  • Fo-fhrèam làn-mhionaideach le grunn phàirtean eadar-dhealaichte, ruith pìoba agus eadar-dhealachaidhean ceart eadar dreachan
  • Na bogies B4 agus B5 as cinntiche a chaidh a thoirt a-mach a-riamh, le ullachadh airson ath-thomhais gu slat-tomhais Gaeilge 21mm
  • Seataichean cuibhle ìomhaigh dubh RP25.110 le tomhasan cùl-ri-cùl 14.4mm, agus 26mm thairis air puingean-pin
  • Taobh a-staigh ceart, rèilichean-làimhe meatailt fa leth air na carbadan breic agus trannsa agus roinn geàrd làn-mhionaideach
  • Àirde ceart NEM socaidean ceangail àbhaisteach le càraidean glas teannachaidh beag agus dlùth-cheangal cinematic
  • Tionndadh furasta gu càraidean knuckle a tha co-chosmhail ri Kadee

  • Pasgan solais slàn , a’ toirt a-steach
    • solais taobh a-staigh fo smachd magnet 'wand'
    • Capacitor ‘Stay-Alive’ anns a h-uile coidse
    • solais stiùiridh le smachd DC no DCC

  • Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)
  • Fad coidse: 269mm

    Lighting and DCC Specifics

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 20 reviews
    Edward O.

    CIE/IR Mk.2b/c Passenger Coach - CIE Orange - 4 Coach Pack B

    Hans v.G.
    Superb coaches but with a flaw

    The coaches look stunning and the detail is excellent. My only gripe is that the footsteps aren't glued on properly and come off on touch.
    Getting them back on properly and glued is like stuffing a Chestnut mushroom.

    John b.

    Fantastic models, fast delivery too, well done lads

    Michael H.
    CIE / IR Mk.2b/c Passenger Coach

    These coaches arrived to me in very attractive & sturdy packaging. The coaches themselves are so realistic & true to life. They are an excellent representation of the real thing. Thank you .

    Ian S.
    Excellent to deal with

    Easy purchase with really fast delivery. Top class model as expected from IRM.

    Lee M.
    Five star coaches

    Lovely coaches, five star.

    Paul M.
    Lovely Coaches

    More great products from IRM, lovely runners with great features.

    Alam M.
    CIE/IR Mk.2b/c

    Once again a lovely model with great detail and good mover love the lights so simple to use

    michael o.

    Fabulous great detail well worth the money

    Noel E.

    Superb models👍