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accurascale Class 92 Pete Watermans Making tracks III OO gauge layout

Accurascale Take The Main Line As They Sponsor Making Tracks III

Accurascale today announce that they are to sponsor Pete Waterman and the Railnuts teams Making Tracks III ‘OO’ gauge layout bound for Chester Cathedral this summer.

Pete Waterman and the Railnuts team are creating a third layout in the Making Tracks series, promising to be bigger and better than ever before, basing the layout on Milton Keynes station on the WCML. The all-new 64ft long layout will feature 18ft long platforms and Bi-directional running lines just like the real thing.

Making Tracks started as a celebration of Thomas Brassey – a civil engineer responsible for building much of the world’s railways in the 19th century who has a dedicated chapel within Chester Cathedral. It aimed to raise funds for the upkeep of this beautiful cathedral and has successfully done so over the past two years. Making Tracks was also aimed at bringing new people into the hobby and with around 50,000 visitors to the exhibition each year to date its proving to do just that.

This year the team are going big and building a replica of Milton Keynes station, such an ambitious project needs as much support as possible from the industry its designed help, so Accurascale have jumped at the chance to support such an ambitious and captivating project. 

Pete Waterman said “It’s very important with rising costs to have trade support, it shows us that the trade care about what we’re trying to achieve. Accurascale might be a new name in the model railway world, but they have achieved so much success in the past few years, so we are delighted to have them on board to help with Making Tracks 3.”

Stephen McCarron, Managing Director of Accurascale, is equally delighted about getting involved with Making Tracks 3 “It’s an honour and a privilege to help raise money for such a worthy cause, bring an ambitious project to thousands of people who can be inspired by the efforts of the Making Tracks team, and it is particularly exciting to see our own models at work on this astounding layout. Once we were able to get involved, we jumped at the chance and we cant wait to see it in its completed state this summer.”

The layout will be on display at Chester Cathedral from July 26th until September 2nd later in the year, all are welcome and you may even get to have a go! Look up for updates on the Railnuts, Accurascale and Key Model World social media pages for insights and updates.

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