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Meet Us at The Model Railway Club, London this Thursday!

Meet Us at The Model Railway Club, London this Thursday!


Sometimes we like to do short notice here at Accurascale. However, even by our standards we are really pushing it with our latest event! We would dearly love for you to join us for an enjoyable evening of model railway related chat this Thursday (August 9th) at the wonderful Model Railway Club, owners of such legendary layouts such as ‘Copenhagen Fields’.

We will be at the club rooms at Keen House, doing a short talk and a meet and greet with modellers and collectors. The Model Railway Club have very kindly agreed to facilitate us for this event and are also throwing their doors open to the general public. It would be fantastic to meet you there and answer any questions you have about Accurascale, the industry and what we are all about (except ‘what models are we doing next?’ no dice on that one!)

Doors open from 7pm and the talk and Q&A begins at 8pm. We look forward to seeing you there for a chat!

We will also be on the The 50th Anniversary of the End of Steam – Cumbrian Mountain Express railtour this Saturday if you want to seek us out on board.

For more info of this event, including the address, please click here.

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