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55013 - BR Blue w/Silver

Precio original ¥27,200 - Precio original ¥27,200
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Class 55 'Deltic' - BR Blue w/Silver - 55013 - The Black Watch

Complementando el 55022 de la primera carrera está el York 55013 en su librea especial similar con tanques de combustible plateados, techo gris , vigas protectoras rojas y extras pintados de blanco, que conservó hasta su retiro en octubre de 1981. Se volvió a pintar para el evento Rainhill de 1980, pero Tulyar lo reemplazó en el cartel.

Loco Details Factfile:

: 55013
Rejillas de batería : Sí
Bogies instalados : Fundición
Frenos : Doble
Pernos del techo de la cabina : No
Ventana lateral de la cabina : Chapado
Estilo del escape : Revisado
Panel del escape : Sí
Ventilador : Revisado
Código de cabeza : Plateado
Faros delanteros : No
Posición de bocina : Nariz
Cajas de arena : No
Lámpara superior de hierro : Sí
Calefacción del tren : ETH/Steam
Pasarela Style : Late
Relleno de agua : No
Limpiaparabrisas instalados : Dos
Ventiladores WS : Sí
Características comunes de clase:
  • Modelo a escala OO muy detallado, 1:76,2
  • Chasis de metal de aleación fundido a presión
  • Preparado para DCC [enchufe MTX de 21 pines] o con sonido DCC de fábrica
  • Detalles específicos del período de tiempo, incluidos, entre otros;
  • Bogies (fundidos y fabricados)
  • Posiciones de la bocina
  • Puertos de escape
  • Paneles de código de cabecera
  • Limpiaparabrisas
  • Ventanas laterales de la cabina
  • Escotillas de caja de arena
  • Rejillas
  • Faros
  • Respiraderos de aire de la cabina
  • Equipo de calefacción de trenes
  • Hierros para lámparas
  • Códigos de cobertizo
  • Piezas de detalle de metal grabado y plástico de alta fidelidad aplicadas por separado, incluidas agarraderas, escalones, limpiaparabrisas, placas de identificación, emblemas y más.
  • Acopladores de mini-bloqueo de tensión de altura correcta con enchufe NEM, así como detalles completos de la barra amortiguadora
  • Tracción de alto rendimiento, incluida;
  • Motor de cinco polos con dos volantes
  • Caja de engranajes helicoidales para un rendimiento máximo y funcionamiento a baja velocidad
  • Disposición de engranajes para que la locomotora pueda alcanzar una velocidad máxima a escala de 120 mph (193 km/h)
  • Listo para DCC con capacitor PowerPack para energía ininterrumpida
  • Tracción en todas las ruedas y recogida en todas las ruedas
  • Paquete de iluminación completamente detallado, que incluye:
  • Iluminación direccional, DC y DCC
  • Las luces marcadoras se pueden apagar cuando el tren está acoplado a la locomotora
  • Función de faros de alta intensidad cuando corresponda
  • Iluminación de la cabina conmutada e iluminada por separado, detalles de la consola del conductor, apagado automático en movimiento
  • Iluminación del compartimiento del motor
  • Ruedas RP25-110 Ruedas OO con provisión para volver a medir a p4 y ancho EM
  • Dos altavoces de calidad con grandes cápsulas de sonido para obtener el mejor sonido posible (*en modelos con sonido integrado)
  • Topes de metal completamente suspendidos
  • Tuberías extrafinas montadas en fábrica
Radio mínimo 438 mm (2.º radio establecido-pista) 

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
An Amazing Engine

What can I say that has not been said already. This engine is the best I every seen. Now all I need is a layout to run it on. Can not wait for my Class 89 to arrive this year.

Heather J.j.
Great model Deltic 10 out of 10

Accurascale have delivered a superb loco i can find no faults with the one i have
detail ease of fitting dcc running and weight for pulling power everything spot on only problem could be the body removeal when its time to service but should be ok if care taken bit in the meantime i will just enjoy

Mark A.
Rainhill guest that never was

No13 looks great in this well applied livery. There isn't much more to say that hasn't been said already. Another splendid rendition of a Blue Deltic. Maybe a future version of Deltic No5 in Royal Mail celebration livery can follow Black Watch.

Kevin G.
Another excellent model

Well for a self-confessed non-deltic fan I seem to have three of these locos now! So they must be doing something right😃
I haven't run a caliper over it but it looks good and runs superbly (on dc). Only things I plan to do are to fit pipes to one end and as before add some Replica Railways grey spots to the headcode marker lights. This model is less white than the first batch, but the slightly darker colour sets the model off to a tee.
I should add that the e-mail that the model was on its way came whilst the website still said stock incoming, so no complaints there and the packing was again with the card "shoe box" ends which are better than bubble wrap and 100% recyclable.
Many to thanks to all at A/S.

Nigel R.
A superlative model

This is I think the best model loco I have ever owned, it doesn't disappoint in any respect. The level of detail is exceptional and it is exactly as I remember the engine 40 plus years ago when I saw it in BR service (except in 1/76 scale) The etched name plates are of the highest quality and when applied raise the cosmetic appearance of the loco still further. My example was missing a windscreen wiper on arrival (lt was loose in the box and soon re-affixed with a little PVA) which was my only issue. Delivery was prompt and the whole retail experience excellent.

Phil E.
Why can't all models be like this?

Quite simply, the best loco I own - and I have a few. The detail is excellent, it's beautifully put together, it weighs a ton, and runs silently and incredibly smoothly. If you want a 55, look no further.

T H.
55 013 ex-works Rainhill Trails prepared

Great Model, would recommend.

Mike F.
Deltic phase2

Wonderful model the only problem I have is that the coupling has broken off I think I can fix it will let you know if not,
Kind Regards
Mike Friesner

David G.
Superb Model

Although I would not normally have contemplated buying a Deltic decorated so garishly (Silver Tank and Grey Roof) this model is so good that I had to have one. It looks good and runs superbly well although, as I am analogue only, I do not really get the best from the loco that DCC would give.

Nigel H.

Fantastic loco, thanks all at Accurascale, please keep them coming!!