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D9007 Pinza

SKU ACC2157D9007

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D9007 – 'Pinza'

  • BR verde sin paneles de nariz amarillos
  • Código de cabecera: alfanumérico
  • Limpiaparabrisas: dos por panel
  • Calefacción de trenes: calor de vapor
  • Ventana delantera lateral de la cabina: presente
  • Posición de la bocina: rayo amortiguador
  • Escotillas de caja de arena delantera de la nariz: presente
  • Rejillas del compartimento de la batería: no instaladas
  • Faro de alta intensidad: no instalado
  • Rejillas de ventilación del parabrisas: no instaladas
  • Hierro lámpara central superior: no instalado
  • Bogies: fabricados

Características comunes:

  • Modelo a escala OO muy detallado, 1:76,2
  • Chasis de metal de aleación fundido a presión
  • Provisto con DCC listo [enchufe MTX de 21 pines] o con sonido DCC de fábrica
  • Detalles específicos del período de tiempo, incluidos, entre otros;
    • Bogies (fundidos y fabricados)
    • Posiciones de la bocina
    • Puertos de escape
    • Paneles de código de cabecera
    • Limpiaparabrisas
    • Ventanas laterales de la cabina
    • Escotillas de caja de arena
    • Rejillas
    • Faros
    • Rejillas de ventilación de la cabina
    • Equipo de calefacción de trenes
    • Lámparas de hierro
    • Códigos de cobertizo
  • Piezas de detalle de metal grabado y plástico de alta fidelidad aplicadas por separado, que incluyen asideros, escalones, limpiaparabrisas, placas de identificación, emblemas y más.
  • Acopladores de mini-bloqueo de tensión de altura correcta con enchufe NEM, así como una viga de protección completamente detallada
  • Tracción de alto rendimiento, para incluir;
    • Motor de cinco polos con dos volantes
    • Caja de engranajes helicoidales de metal para un rendimiento máximo y funcionamiento a baja velocidad
    • Disposición de engranajes para que la locomotora pueda alcanzar una velocidad máxima a escala de 120 mph (193 km/h)
    • Listo para DCC con capacitor PowerPack para energía ininterrumpida
    • Tracción en todas las ruedas y recogida en todas las ruedas
  • Paquete de iluminación completamente detallado, que incluye:
    • Iluminación direccional, DC y DCC
    • Las luces marcadoras se pueden apagar cuando el tren está acoplado a la locomotora
    • Función de faros de alta intensidad cuando corresponda
    • Iluminación de la cabina conmutada e iluminada por separado, detalles de la consola del conductor, apagado automático en movimiento
    • Iluminación del compartimiento del motor
  • Ruedas RP25-110 Ruedas OO con provisión para volver a medir a p4 y ancho EM
  • Dos altavoces de calidad con grandes cápsulas de sonido para obtener el mejor sonido posible (*en modelos con sonido integrado)
  • Topes de metal completamente suspendidos
  • Tuberías extra finas montadas en fábrica

Radio mínimo 438 mm (segundo radio establecido)

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 45 reviews
Mike P.
Oh go on then - a third Deltic!

Its hard to fault the AS Deltic in concept – AS set out to make the ultimate ‘mass market’ RTR model of this iconic prototype combining prototype fidelity, use of cutting edge modelling techniques and electronics all at an affordable price. They have without question achieved this and this is my third example (bought from the last stock being held back by AS for warranty replacements).

My first two examples did suffer from what appeared to be the common problems of parts being shaken loose in transit. This example was noticeably better packed than my last model direct from AS (the other came from Rails who packed theirs MUCH better than the first AS deliveries) and I was pleased to discover it was entirely complete on delivery - (even those bogie chains!)

Haven’t had chance to run this example yet but fully expect it will have the same smooth, powerful and silent (until the sound is turned on!) mechanism of the other 2.

Superb models at affordable prices – long live Accurascale! 😊

Ken C.

Some loose parts in the package

Alex W.
D9007 PINZA Dcc sound,

This is the second of the Accurascale Deltics I've been lucky enough to purchase, and like D9004 she's in the full two tone green livery that suits these locos so well. Like my first Deltic this one has also suffered from a few loose small detailing parts and 1 brake chain having come adrift. On further investigation I found that 1 corner step under the buffer was missing altogether, however a quick email to and from Accurascale support has assured me that many of these small detailing parts are already on order from the factory and one of them now has my name on it and will be despatched once they've arrived and been processed.
As I said in my previous review these minor inconveniences in no way detract from the pleasure I get from both of these locos, and certainly wouldn't stop me from purchasing further Deltics or any other Accurascale products in the future, infact I hope there are plans for more Deltics in the future as I would love a few more.
Thankyou Accurascale for delivering such highly detailed quality locos at a price that puts the "big boys" to shame.
Keep up the good work....Alex

Mr C.V.
Exactly as described, superb detailing.

Exactly as expected and wanted, but had a little issue getting it out of the plastic packaging, or my indelicate fingers caused a breakage of on bogie chain mount, all safely back in box, waiting for a layout to run on

Simon P.

I join in applauding you for such a fine model. I wish you could produce a simple sheet with an explanation of some of the more arcane functions. Perhaps it's partly because I'm in America that some of the function descriptions don't mean a thing to me. Just a thought. Thanks for considering my idea.

Michael S.

Excellent model, runs amazingly smooth.
Packaging for international shipping is outstanding.
Model arrived in perfect condition!

Paul L.
Amazing quality and service.

Had small issue engine room lighting and customer service were most helpful,

Mike R.
My Beautiful Racehorse

Magnificent model, captures the presence of the prototype, very pleased with my acquisition, it must have a bumpy ride to Oz though as quite a few small parts have come off in transit. No complaints, however as I don't know how it could have been better packed. All bits are easily glued back on and at least I have the details to do that, unlike some more highly priced efforts from other manufacturers! (no names). Keep up this standard and you won't be long in business...........You will all be retired millionaires!!!!

Peter G.
Accurascale Deltic

Rather than a specific review of D9007, I'm sharing my views on the Accurascale Deltics in general as I ordered 7 in total. Overall, I'm very pleased with the models- the attention to locomotive specific accuracy is first class, not just to rather obvious things (though the first time on a model of a Deltic) like the absence or inclusion of additional grills above the nameplates or correct bogies, but even down to nos. 19,20 & 21 having the remains of fixings for the roof mounted horns they carried when first delivered. The number of fine and separately fitted details is astonishing given that the price is very competitive compared to other manufacturers. This detail, however, can be a problem in that some can become easily dislodged in transit. All seven of my models had at least one part broken off and some had several. Nothing I haven't been able to fix myself with a good illuminated magnifier and a steady hand! Overall, I'd say that these models are amongst the best I have even bearing in mind the small amount of repairing necessary. Well done Accurascale and I look forward to my pre-ordered class 37s, 31s and Manors.

David B.
Class 55 Deltic ‘Pinza’
