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7820 – ‘Dinmore Manor ' BR Manor Class

UGC ACC2509-7820

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7820 – 'Manoir Dinmore '

  • BR Noir doublé avec écusson ancien
  • Cheminée d'origine
  • Corps tendre affleurant
  • Cornes larges

Caractéristiques communes :

  • Modèle de jauge OO très détaillé, échelle 1:76,2 sur piste de 16,5 mm
  • Basé sur un scan 3D du 7808 Cookham Manor et des dessins complets fournis par la Great Western Society, Didcot
  • Enquêtes entreprises avec l'aide d'Erlestoke Manor Fund, Dinmore Manor Loco Ltd et Tyseley Locomotive Works
  • Le fumoir et la cheminée représentent correctement l'état du GWR tel que construit ou le remaniement du BR après 1952
  • Intérieur de cabine entièrement détaillé avec de nombreuses pièces séparées 
  • Châssis, plaque de roulement et corps en métal moulé sous pression
  • Mains courantes en fil de largeur à l'échelle
  • Pièces gravées en métal/plastique et cire perdue, incl. poignées de maintien, marches, robinets de vidange, etc
  • Plaques nominatives et plaques d'immatriculation pré-peintes en métal gravé
  • Têtes de lit en métal gravé "Cambrian Coast Express" et "Pembroke Coast Express"
  • Raccords à vis factices haute fidélité
  • Tampons métalliques entièrement suspendus et tuyauterie installée en usine
  • Boîtiers de tampons coniques ou droits, le cas échéant
  • Blocs de frein alignés avec les roues
  • Le coupleur de verrouillage à mini-tension avant peut être remplacé par un moulage précis de pony truck avant

Détails de l'appel d'offres :

  • Appendice Churchward de 3 500 gal avec de nombreuses variantes, y compris des côtés rivetés et affleurants, des cornets étroits ou larges, trois styles différents de suspension à ressort et une pelle à eau montée sous le châssis
  • Tampons métalliques entièrement suspendus, tuyauterie installée en usine et raccords à vis factices haute fidélité
  • Anciens logements de tampons coniques, coniques ou droits, le cas échéant
  • Support de plaque d'avertissement au plafond en option sur les modèles BR récents
  • Le coupleur Kinetic NEM se monte sur le tender à la bonne hauteur avec des coupleurs mini-tension-lock
  • Prise décodeur DCC dans le tender (toit du tender accessible par une section relevable sécurisée par des aimants)
  • Choix des sections de relevage : charge de « charbon » vide ou simulée

DCC/Caractéristiques électroniques :

  • Moteur 3 pôles de très haute qualité avec volant d'inertie, faible tension de démarrage et alimentation électrique fluide
  • Prêt DCC [Prise MTC 21 broches dans le tender] ou options de son DCC installées en usine
  • Les locomotives DCC Sound ont un haut-parleur monté dans la boîte à fumée et deux haut-parleurs dans le tender
  • Banque de condensateurs PowerPack pour une alimentation et un son ininterrompus
  • Lumière scintillante de la chambre de combustion (synchronisée avec le son sur les modèles installés DCC)
  • Prise électrique de toutes les roues motrices du tender et de la locomotive

Caractéristiques de traction :

  • Rayon minimum 438 mm (2e rayon réglé sur la voie)
  • Châssis, plaque de roulement et carrosserie en métal moulé sous pression avec essieu moteur central suspendu
  • Boîte à engrenages hélicoïdaux en métal pour des performances maximales et un fonctionnement à vitesse lente
  • Engrenage disposé de manière à ce que la locomotive puisse atteindre une vitesse maximale de 90 mph (145 km/h)
  • Roues de jauge profil RP25-110 OO

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 45 reviews
Alex L.
Brilliant model

Really impressive model - a cut above the alternatives.

Daniel J.
Best Steam Loco……….ever!

Smooth runner straight out of the box. Exquisite detail and robust enough to be handled without anything falling off! The sound is top quality and runs like a dream. I can’t wait for more steam locos from Accurascale, rock on👍

Alex B.
The Manor of all Manors!

After purchasing Iford Manor a few weeks ago, I noticed that Accurascale had more stock of Dinmore Manor available. As I wasn’t quick enough to pace an order originally for Dinmore Manor, I was delighted and quickly placed my order.

Dinmore arrived very promptly and is a real stunner. I have travelled behind the real life Dinmore Manor many times and can say that the model captures her beautifully. The model also runs like a dream just like my Iford Manor.

Together they will be regularly hauling trains on my up and coming heritage line model railway.

Thank you Accurascale.

Adrian S.

Looks great, however would like a works weathered option. It looks a bit too pristine and would benefit from a dust coat of mat varnish. But that's just my preference. The sound quality is something else, brilliant firebox glow, especially when stationary and the shoveling coaling sound kicks in. Would also like a smoke unit fitted, but that depends on avaliable room, may be on future steam models.. The slow running is fantastic you wouldn't guess it was a 3 pole motor, it behaves like a five pole. The metal cast body is excellent, I enquired if a spare body shell is available but it's not. That's a pity because I wanted to weather the loco, but at this price I am reluctant to take the risk. Over all very pleased with my purchase. How about a set of coaches to complement it? I run it with a set of blood and custard Hornby Collet corridor coaches which gives it the perfect 1950 s look.

Daniel D.
Exceptional models!

Dinmore Manor is the third Manor class model I've purchased from Accurascale. Easily one of the best RTR models on the 00 gauge market and a new standard setter for future models!

Callum D.
A very revolutionary loco

A very nice loco, bought this loco back in November last year am just amazed at the specs and the immense level of detail this has gone into making this.
Diecast body and chassis, painted cab detail, firebox flicker, stay alive, chrome plated chimney and safety valve bonnet.
A very smooth running loco, very quiet in both directions at variable speeds.
Until you turn the sound on and brings the whole experience to life, what a treat, not to forget the stay alive, which really comes in handy, no losing sound, no stuttering from the loco, Accurascale have done really well with this as their first oo gauge steam loco to the market.
So glad I went for the sound version, if you haven’t bought a manor or still undecided, you won’t be disappointed. Almost certainly, I will be buying a 2nd in the near future, mostly to be in this livery, gives such a smart appearance and gives the loco character.
Great Value for money, looking after the customers.

If this could be improved/ideas for other future steam related loco projects, I would include the following as standard:

• Pre-grouping/southern Route discs/Lamps as standard in the accessory pack (most steam locos released to the market don’t come with these as standard).
• Loco/Express headboards (as Standard) in the accessory pack.
• Where possible, maybe a five pole motor if needed?

Joseph H.

Looks fantastic exactly like the real thing. Performance is good at medium to high speeds however the crawl is poor hence the 4 stars.

Dinmore J.M.R.
Dinmore Manor 7820

It doesn't get better than this YouTube video placeholder
Liam B.
Dinmore Manor

Hi accurascale i am very happy with the loco very well be together well done accurascale top marks

GWR Manor

Excellent model, grate detail, as with all detailed models, you have to be very careful how you handle them, might be an idea if the detail that is likely to brake was a bit more flexible, wich could have added benefits for everyone, keep the costs down. Smooth runner at slow speeds, great paint job, crew fits well into cab, not sure about the glittery effect on the crew, sounds are good, but can get drowned out by my other loco's, so might upgrade the speaker in the tender, check out roads and rails. Had a problem with one of the manors i purchased , it would only move in one direction, but accurascale were quick to replace, all in all 10 out of 10. Keep up the good work all. 👏