Clas 37
Gun teagamh is e an dealbhadh dìosail as soirbheachaile aig àm BR agus farpaiseach làidir a bhith air ainmeachadh mar an locomotaibh as motha ann an eachdraidh rèile Bhreatainn, tha am modail deimhinnte den English Electric Type 3 / Class 37 air a bhith ùine mhòr ri thighinn. . Chaidh eisimpleirean 309 den chlas Co-Co 1,750hp trafaic measgaichte seo a thogail le English Electric agus Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn eadar 1960 agus 1965 gu dà dhealbhadh bunaiteach, sgoltadh agus còd-cinn sa mheadhan. Bha iad rim faighinn air feadh an t-siostaim a’ stiùireadh gach seòrsa seirbheis bathair is luchd-siubhail. Chaidh 135 ath-thogail ann am meadhan na 1980n a’ toirt beatha eile don chlas, agus chaidh tuilleadh ath-thogail mòr a dhèanamh bho chaidh a phrìobhaideachadh. Tha mòran fhathast ag obair gu cruaidh an-diugh air am peantadh ann an dathan raon farsaing de ghnìomhaichean eadar-dhealaichte a’ gabhail a-steach Network Rail agus pailteas de chompanaidhean bathair is luchd-siubhail prìobhaideach, leithid Colas Rail, Direct Rail Services, Europhoenix, HN Rail agus WCRC.
Class 37 - Railfreight - 37903 - DCC Sound Fitted
37903Flying the flag for their as-converted condition in Railfreight grey is 37903, the former 37249/D6949. Outshopped from BREL Crewe in February ...
View full detailsClass 37 - RF Metals - 37902 - DCC Sound Fitted
37902 British Steel LlanwernReleased to traffic in repowered form at the same time as Mirrlees Pioneer in October 1986, 37902 was rebuilt from 3714...
View full detailsClass 37 - Europhoenix - 37901 - DCC Sound Fitted - Exclusive
37901 Mirrlees PioneerWhen the six-cylinder Mirrlees Blackstone MB275T power unit was first lowered into carbody of the former 37150 it is unlikely...
View full detailsClass 37 - Loram - 37418 - DCC Sound Fitted - Exclusive
37418 An Comunn Gaidhealach Loram Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in April 2005, No. 37418 was purchased by preservationist Steve Beniston from To...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37429 - DCC Sound Fitted
37429 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Large Logo w/Welsh dragon Representing the original Cardiff Canton batch of six Class 37/4 conversions is No. 37429, ...
View full detailsClass 37 - Colas - 37421 - DCC Sound Fitted
37421 Colas Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in March 2005 and sold for preservation at the Pontypool & Blaenavon Railway in 2009, No. 37421 wa...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37420 - DCC Sound Fitted
37420 The Scottish Hosteller Large Logo w/Highland ‘stag’ No. 37420 was the penultimate member of the Inverness ‘eight’, Nos. 37414-37421, the octe...
View full detailsClass 37 - RF Construction - 37414 - DCC Sound Fitted
37414 Railfreight Construction The introduction of Class 156 ‘Super Sprinters’ on the West Highland from January 1989 and on the Far North/Kyle lin...
View full detailsClass 37 - EWS - 37408 - DCC Sound Fitted
37408 Loch Rannoch EWS Maroon/Gold Arguably the most popular of the Class 37/4s in the British Rail and early privatisation era, No. 37408 Loch Ran...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (unbranded) - 37422 - DCC Sound Fitted
Air fhaighinn mar phàirt de ghluasad mòr de Clas 37/4s bho DB Schenker gu Direct Rail Services ann an 2011, tha 37422 gun samhail am measg nan EEan...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (heritage repaint) - 37218 - DCC Sound Fitted
B’ e an rud as fheàrr air latha fosgailte bliadhnail Seirbheisean Rèile Dhìreach ann an 2022 - a’ chiad tachartas den leithid bho 2019 - foillseach...
View full detailsClass 37 - RF Metals - 37902
37902 British Steel LlanwernReleased to traffic in repowered form at the same time as Mirrlees Pioneer in October 1986, 37902 was rebuilt from 3714...
View full detailsClass 37 - Railfreight - 37903
37903Flying the flag for their as-converted condition in Railfreight grey is 37903, the former 37249/D6949. Outshopped from BREL Crewe in February ...
View full detailsClass 37 - Europhoenix - 37901 - Exclusive
37901 Mirrlees PioneerWhen the six-cylinder Mirrlees Blackstone MB275T power unit was first lowered into carbody of the former 37150 it is unlikely...
View full detailsClass 37 - Loram - 37418 - Exclusive
37418 An Comunn Gaidhealach Loram Rail Stored by EWS at Motherwell in April 2005, No. 37418 was purchased by preservationist Steve Beniston from To...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37429
37429 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Large Logo w/Welsh dragon Representing the original Cardiff Canton batch of six Class 37/4 conversions is No. 37429, ...
View full detailsClass 37 - Large Logo Blue - 37420
37420 The Scottish Hosteller Large Logo w/Highland ‘stag’ No. 37420 was the penultimate member of the Inverness ‘eight’, Nos. 37414-37421, the octe...
View full detailsClass 37 - RF Construction - 37414
37414 Railfreight Construction The introduction of Class 156 ‘Super Sprinters’ on the West Highland from January 1989 and on the Far North/Kyle lin...
View full detailsClass 37 - EWS - 37408
37408 Loch Rannoch EWS Maroon/Gold Arguably the most popular of the Class 37/4s in the British Rail and early privatisation era, No. 37408 Loch Ran...
View full detailsClass 37 - DRS (heritage repaint) - 37218
B’ e an rud as fheàrr air latha fosgailte bliadhnail Seirbheisean Rèile Dhìreach ann an 2022 - a’ chiad tachartas den leithid bho 2019 - foillseach...
View full detailsAccurathrash Class 37 Loksound ‘Refurbished’ DCC Decoder
LokSound V5 DCC Sound Chip Air a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte airson an locomotaibh cruinn Clas 37 le 'Refurbished' Engine Configuration, bidh a...
View full detailsAccurathrash Class 37 Loksound ‘Original’ DCC Sound Decoder
LokSound V5 DCC Sound Chip Air a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte airson an locomotaibh cruinn Clas 37 le 'Original' Engine Configuration, bidh an d...
View full detailsClass 37 Lokpilot DCC Decoder
Clas 31 Lokpilot DCC Decoder Dì-chòdachadh LokPilot DCC (Gun fhuaim) Custom air a phrògramadh airson ocomotives clas 37 l cruinn, gus brath a gha...
View full detailsClass 37 - DCC Blanking Plate
Plàta falamh Custom DCC airson modal Accurascale Clas 37 . Mar a chaidh a thoirt seachad le modalan DC, thathas a’ tabhann a ’phlàta plaide dhaibhs...
View full detailsBR Class 37 Locomotive Square Buffers (Pack of 8)
BR Oleo Pattern 2 16" bufairean carbad trast-thomhas Bufairean meatailt, sprung (pacaid de 8)
BR Class 37 Locomotive Oval Buffers (Pack of 8)
BR Oleo Pattern 2 16" bufairean carbad trast-thomhas Bufairean meatailt, sprung (pacaid de 8)