Class 37 Lokpilot DCC Decoder— Accurascale Rach gu susbaint

Class 37 Lokpilot DCC Decoder

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Clas 31 Lokpilot DCC Decoder

Dì-chòdachadh LokPilot DCC (Gun fhuaim)

Custom air a phrògramadh airson ocomotives clas 37 l cruinn, gus brath a ghabhail air a h-uile feart den locomotaibh.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Faodar an decoder LokPilot 5 a chleachdadh air rathaidean-iarainn analog DC agus AC. Bidh an decoder ag atharrachadh eadar na modhan obrachaidh gu tur fèin-ghluasadach “air-the-fly”. Mar as trice chan fheum dad a shuidheachadh.


    Tha fios againn gu bheil thu airson gum bi na locomotaibhean agad cho fìrinneach 'sa ghabhas. Mar sin, pacaich sinn an LokPilot 5 le toraidhean gnìomh. A rèir an dreach eadar-aghaidh, tha gach decoder LokPilot 5 a’ tabhann co-dhiù 10 toraidhean gnìomh leudaichte le sruth toraidh 250mA gach fear. Anns na dreachan le eadar-aghaidh PluX22 no 21MTC, tha toraidhean 4 air an cur ris gus smachd a chumail air servos no toraidhean ìre loidsig. Tha a h-uile gnìomh solais cudromach ri fhaighinn. Faodar soilleireachd gach toraidh a shuidheachadh air leth. Bidh an decoder a’ maighstireachd a’ bhrùthadh is an dealachadh fèin-ghluasadach nuair a bhios e a’ dì-cheangal airson càraidean ROCO®, Krois® agus Telex®.

    Smachd motair

    Tha smachd einnsean an LokPilot 5 air a leasachadh gu bunaiteach a-rithist. Bidh tricead gleoc PWM a ghabhas atharrachadh bho 10kHz gu 50kHz a’ dèanamh cinnteach à obrachadh air leth sàmhach, gu sònraichte le motaran clag-armature - tha an “hum” àbhaisteach mar rud san àm a dh’ fhalbh. Faodar an smachd luchdan a-nis atharrachadh gu cùisean duilich le suas ri 10 CVan. Tha an gnìomh sònraichte "Autotune" a’ toirt comas don decoder a bhith air a chalabadh gu fèin-ghluasadach chun motair. Le suas ri 1.5A sruth motair, tha an decoder LokPilot 5 a’ toirt seachad sùgh gu leòr eadhon airson motaran nas sine.

    Sàbhailteachd obrachaidh


    A PowerPack a cheangal ris an LokPilot 5 gus earrannan rèile salach a dhùnadh agus tha e air a ghabhail a-steach anns a h-uile locos cruinn mar ìre àbhaisteach


    Gu dearbh, tha a h-uile toradh gnìomh agus toradh motair air an dìon bho cus luchd. Tha sinn airson 's gun còrd an dì-chòdachadh agad cho fada 's as urrainn dhut.

Customer Reviews

Based on 68 reviews
Aaron M.
Great DCC decoder for Class 37

Great DCC decoder for Class 37 from Accurascale. Works perfectly all light functions work.


Fully featured and plug and play. Simple installation

Fantastic Value Chip both in cost and time saved

Bought this chip for my 37 even after a few issues with my Class 92 one. Makes it so easy with everything mapped correctly all lighting now works.
Wish Accurascale offered just a DCC version or the ability to order the pre mapped chips at the sae time

Class 37 Lokpilot 5

Brilliant ESU decoder that works perfectly with my Class 37. Preset with all the function mappings and smooth motor controls. Great price too, hugely recommended. Nice one Accurascale.

As it says on the tin…

Bought as the best value decoder aboit

Steven M.
Top notch!

A top notch decoder from lokpilot With that added accurascale sparkle. Purchased for the additional 37s second run.

Gerry B.
Class 37 Lokpilot DCC Decoder

Excellent product, just it dropped it in and everything worked perfectly. Does what has to. Excellent

Christopher G.
Class 37 lokpilot dcc decoder

Easy to fit and does what has to.

Class 37 Decoder

Easy to fit

Francis R.

Given the magnetic roof panel and ease of access, fitting of the decoder is simple and quick. Insert, replace the roof, and program with your chosen address and away you go. Some of the functions could have been assigned lower function numbers but that's easily sorted if you have access to reprogramming facilities.

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