Earl of Durham Chaldron Pack— Accurascale Rach gu susbaint

Earl of Durham Chaldron Pack

Iad uile air an reic
Prìs tùsail £37.49 - Prìs tùsail £37.49
Prìs tùsail
£37.49 - £37.49
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Iad uile air an reic
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Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron

Pasgan F: Muileann Lambton (Gloidhnean Iarla Durham) - Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle P1 a bha roimhe ann an stoidhle NER ann an dathan-beatha ro 1896.

Anns an robh trì carbadan, leis an àireamh:

  • 3178
  • 3216
  • 3820

Tha cuspair air a h-uile pasgan a chaidh a thoirt a-mach le mèinn, agus tha gach waggon a chithear stèidhichte air fianais dhealbhan agus iomradh air clàran mèinnean gus stoidhlichean litrichean a dhearbhadh. Tha dìreach aon stoidhle waggon ann an cuid de phasganan, agus tha stoidhlichean measgaichte ann an cuid eile far a bheil rannsachadh air sealltainn gun robh iad ag obair còmhla ri chèile.

Liosta nan Sònrachaidhean:

  • Faisean meatailt die-cast le bodhaig plastaig. Cuideam de 9g gun luchdachadh.
  • Ag obair thairis air cromagan radius as ìsle (371mm, slighe seata radius 1d)
  • Còig diofar dhealbhaidhean bodhaig, a’ còmhdach ùine bho 1840 gu 1978.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de dhealbhadh cuibhle; bhruidhinn sgoltadh, bhruidhinn rionnag agus bhruidhinn tonn, gu pròifil 00 trast-thomhas dubh RP25-88.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de rèiteachadh breiceadh agus làmhan breic, le diofar sheòrsaichean de bhlocaichean agus breic seòrsa clasp Londonderry nas toinnte.
  • Tri rèiteachadh de ‘bang-boards’.
  • ‘Bùird sanntach’ a bharrachd a ghabhas toirt air falbh (leudachadh bùird chòmhnard air a’ bhodhaig) gu Ionad-obrach Shildon a chaidh a thogail Chaldron, a’ toirt barrachd luchdaidh guail.
  • Rèile-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile, ceangal giallan prìne meatailt agus luamhan breic-làimhe uèir/etch.
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh meatailt/plastaig air a bhleith, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, prìneachan dìon dorais, puingean slabhraidh chassis agus slabhraidhean sàbhailteachd ann am meatailt.
  • Wagons ceangailte tro shlabhraidh ghrinn ceangail ùr le cinn magnaiteach Neodymium, ceangailte aig a’ charbad tro cheangal prìne cotter prototypical.
  • Dà cheangail magnetach a bharrachd le NEM air an toirt seachad le pacaidean wagon gus leigeil le bhith a’ freagairt air locomotaibhean agus/no stoc-rèile a bharrachd.
  • Tha obair-ealain a’ nochdadh comharran agus àireamhan dearbhte mu mhèinnean, neo-mhearachdach gu ùine air a mhodaladh agus stèidhichte air fìor fhianais dhealbhan far a bheil sin comasach.
  • Cuideachadh rannsachaidh a bharrachd air a thoirt seachad le Taigh-tasgaidh Beamish Living, Bowes Railway agus Comann Rèile an Ear-thuath.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Richard M.
Review for multiple sets of Caldren wgns purchased 90+ days ago

First of all a big thank you for introducing such a brilliant era2 product - your sales rep at the A.P show last year and again later in the year at Milton Keynes was absolutely brilliant in selling these wagons and helping me purchase the right kind : mainly era 2 and a small amount of later eras. He answered all my questions with enthusiasm and was delighted with my own enthusiasm for this fabulous subject of caldron wagons - I am so pleased you introduced these partrticular wagons! I want to give you a ten out of ten for that which includes the meticulous research and enthusiasm shown by this particular rep who spoke with me.

I loved the detailing - again ten out of ten.

I loved the novalty idea using chain links and the deployment of powerful little magnets to couple rakes of wagons together - again a ten out of ten for the idea and ingenuity.

If there was one little critisism it would be that the actual magnets are a wee bit bulky - I guess physics really dictates that requirement.

One other critisism: the chain assemblies on some of my caldron wagons were not quite right - basically manufacturing production defects. This latter problem would reduce the overall score from a perfect ten to nine out of ten - especially as I cannot correct the two or three intances of where this fault was manifest. I purchased something like five rakes in all; possibly six - that is a reflection of how brilliant I think these caldron wagons are! I would have purchased a further rake had it not sold out so early - I think it was the first to sell out!


Shalom Accurascale
Richard (Moody)

Craig W.
Good models that fill a niche for early prototypes

Good models that fill a niche for early prototypes

Bob H.
Earl of Durham Chaldron pack.

I was born and still live in Shildon so it's a no brainer to have these on my layout. They are exactly like the one on display less than 100 yards from my house! Wish more pioneering stuff was available (save me scratch building lol)



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