HAA - HOP AB - Freight Brown - Pack 4— Accurascale Rach gu susbaint

HAA - HOP AB - Freight Brown - Pack 4

Iad uile air an reic
Prìs tùsail £62.46 - Prìs tùsail £62.46
Prìs tùsail
£62.46 - £62.46
Prìs an-dràsta £62.46
Ri fhaotainn:
Iad uile air an reic
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Mar a chaidh a thogail (HOP AB)

  • 1965-1985

  • Àireamhan carbad
    • 351305
    • 357630
    • 358130

'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, agus dh'fhaoidte nach eil e na chomharra iomlan air a' mhodail dheireannaich.

Modail tomhais OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 air slighe 16.5mm
* Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata Radius)
* Cuideam 40g aig a’ char as lugha
* chassis die-cast airson cuideam air leth
* Taobh a-staigh mionaideach le seamannan, frèamadh, strapadh agus ‘adhaircean’ dorais le ìomhaigh cheart
* cuibhlichean tomhais pròifil RP25-110 OO le blocaichean breic air leth a rèir tread
* Bufairean meatailt sprung agus càraidean sa bhad meallta
* Super fine pàirtean plastaig, a 'gabhail a-steach. pìoban adhair, iarann-lampa, glacaidhean sàbhailteachd, clasp agus breicichean diosc, uidheam obrachaidh doras hopair, msaa. luamhan breic, truinnsearan chassis, msaa.
* Sreap cuibhle NEM a ghabhas toirt air falbh, Kinetic aig an àirde cheart le cuibhrigean glas-teannachaidh air an toirt seachad le Instearan sgèile air an toirt a-steach

Mòran eadar-dhealachaidhean fa leth eadar seòrsaichean wagon
* Trì stoidhlichean bodhaig: mar a chaidh an togail, ath-chorpachadh agus CDA
* Dà stoidhle de dhoras hopair: pàtran ‘X’ air caochlaidhean guail agus pàtran ‘beam dìreach’ air CDA
* Canopy tùsail agus stoidhlichean canopy ‘aerodynamic’ nas fhaide air adhart far a bheil sin iomchaidh
* Dà stoidhle de chòmhdach uidheamachd dorais, le cuid de stoidhlichean nas fhaide air adhart le dreachan ‘measgachadh agus maids’!
* Dà stoidhle de bhufair sprung: Oleo (caochlaidhean guail) agus trom-dhleastanas (CDA)
* Trì caochlaidhean frèam chassis airson dreachan HAA, HDA agus CDA
* Ioma rèiteachadh pìoban breic bufferbeam
* Trì caochlaidhean cuibhle eadar-dhealaichte: bolted breic diosc, breic diosc sìmplidh agus àbhaisteach (breic clasp)
* Tha HBA/HDA a’ nochdadh atharrachaidhean ceart air uidheamachd obrachaidh caliper diosc breic, siolandair èadhair nas motha a bharrachd, luamhan tionndaidh falamh / luchdaichte agus os cionn breic solebar neach-sgaoilidh
* Tha CDA gu ceart a’ nochdadh siolandair èadhair deireadh mòr agus os cionn inneal-sgaoilidh breic solebar, bogsaichean fionnarachaidh deiridh, mullach gu math mionaideach le còmhdach canabhas inneach agus làmhan obrachaidh air an cur suas le chassis

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
David S.
HAA Brown Pack 4

Excellent, particularly impressed with the way the packaging design makes removing from box easier. Please make more of these and the orange version !


Not the first that I have bought so knew exactly what I was getting.
Can’t recommend highly enough, you won’t be disappointed !

Steven B.

Fabulous wagons, well built with nice details. Sprung buffers and detailing not to be found on standard models. You can count the rivets if you want! Very nice indeed.

Deane B.
Great Hoppers

The definitive HAAs. Impressive quality. The only challenge is having the space for a rake of 32!

Cameron W.
The More the Merry Go Round!

I bought a rake of these when they first came out and thought they were fantastic. So much so I took advantage of Accurascales recent Black Friday sale and bought some more! Accurascale wagons are the best value for money on the market!

John W.
Great wagon

Love these wagons, Ill definitely be buying more and some of the slightly later ones when there are some reruns. Great detail and great service

Tim L.

I'm finding these a bit like Jaffa Cakes - they're so good that I just had to have a few more !

Great Product

This is one of the best wagons i have ever seen

Leisure S.L.
HAA wagons

Great value pack - great way to build a rake up. Great levels of detail.

Leisure S.L.
HAA wagons

Lovely models! Great levels of details and free-running too.

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