HMA - Mainline blue - Pack 1— Accurascale Rach gu susbaint

HMA - Mainline blue - Pack 1

Prìs tùsail £62.46 - Prìs tùsail £62.46
Prìs tùsail
£62.46 - £62.46
Prìs an-dràsta £62.46
Ri fhaotainn:
ann an stoc, deiseil airson a chuir air falbh
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HMA Hoppers (ex. HAA)
Prìomh-luibhean Gorm

  • 1994-2010

  • Àireamhan Wagon
    • 353538
    • 353685
    • 356168

'S e sampall sgeadaichte a th' ann am modail le dealbh, agus dh'fhaoidte nach eil e na chomharra iomlan air a' mhodail dheireannaich.

Modail tomhais OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1: 76.2 air slighe 16.5mm
* Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)
* Cuideam 40g aig a’ char as lugha
* chassis die-cast airson cuideam air leth
* Taobh a-staigh mionaideach le seamannan, frèamadh, strapadh agus ‘adhaircean’ dorais le ìomhaigh cheart
* Cuibhlichean tomhais ìomhaigh RP25-110 OO le blocaichean breic air leth a rèir tread
* Dealbhaichte airson atharrachadh gu slighe tomhais EM agus P4
gu furasta * Bufairean meatailt sprung agus càraidean sa bhad meallta
* Pàirtean plastaig fìor ghrinn, a’ toirt a-steach. pìoban adhair, iarann-lampa, glacaidhean sàbhailteachd, clasp agus breicichean diosc, uidheam obrachaidh doras hopair, msaa. luamhan breic, truinnsearan chassis, msaa.
* Sreap cuibhle NEM a ghabhas toirt air falbh, Kinetic aig an àirde cheart le cuibhlichean glasaidh mion-teannachaidh air an toirt seachad le Instanters sgèile air an toirt a-steach

Mòran eadar-dhealachaidhean fa leth eadar seòrsaichean wagon
* Trì stoidhlichean bodhaig: mar a chaidh an togail, ath-chorpachadh agus CDA
* Dà stoidhle de dhoras hopair: pàtran ‘X’ air caochlaidhean guail agus pàtran ‘beam dìreach’ air CDA
* Canopy tùsail agus stoidhlichean canopy ‘aerodynamic’ nas fhaide air adhart far a bheil sin iomchaidh
* Dà stoidhle de chòmhdach uidheamachd dorais, le cuid de stoidhlichean nas fhaide air adhart le dreachan ‘measgachadh is maids’!
* Dà stoidhle de bhufair sprung: Oleo (caochlaidhean guail) agus trom-dhleastanas (CDA)
* Trì caochlaidhean frèam chassis airson dreachan HAA, HDA agus CDA
* Ioma rèiteachadh pìoban breic bufferbeam
* Trì caochlaidhean cuibhle eadar-dhealaichte: bolted breic diosc, breic diosc sìmplidh agus breic àbhaisteach (breic clasp)
* Tha feart HBA/HDA a’ nochdadh atharrachaidhean ceart air uidheamachd obrachaidh caliper diosc breic, siolandair èadhair nas motha a bharrachd, luamhan tionndaidh falamh / luchdaichte agus os cionn breic solebar neach-sgaoilidh
* Tha CDA gu ceart a’ nochdadh siolandair èadhair deireadh mòr agus os cionn inneal-sgaoilidh breic solebar, bogsaichean fionnarachaidh deiridh, mullach gu math mionaideach le còmhdach canabhas inneach agus làmhan obrachaidh air an cur suas le chassis

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
James D.

Look good but have not used them yet !

Joseph L.
Super MGR wagons

Really nice wagons which complement the trainload yellow and railfreight red variants! YouTube video placeholder
HMA-Mainline Blue

I was very impressed with the quality and fine detail produced in the modelling. The wagons are very light so you can run a realistic long rake of units without overloading the locomotive.

Simon B.
Free Rolling Wagons

Great wagons. so much detail and true running with no wobbles. The price is great to. I am very pleased with my purchase. Thank you


first set of these blue wagons am sure there will be as good as the rest of them

Another top job!

Seriously impressed with the quality of these (and the other mgr family) wagons! Excellent work.

Robert C.
the rake gets longer

quality product

More Merry go rounds

Another fine coal hopper from Accurascale. Exception detail and excellent livery application. I am a big fan of the Mainline livery

James M.
Lovely HMAs!

These are excellent depictions of a much-missed wagon type, especially with the bold blue Mainline branding making for a stunning appearance. The printing is very sharp and well applied over the shiny silver hopper body, and with the full complement of underframe detailing as one would expect for the HMA. Very impressive wagons - I shall be ordering more should future batches be announced to add a splash of colour to a block MGR rake!

Joe D.
Very Merry

The variety of Merry-Go-Round wagons that Accurascale are offering is outstanding. My blue HMA's arrived and I have not weathered them as I am reluctant to do so just yet. . Right now I have 24 empty wagons in total across the range rumbling around at 60 mph scale speed. For me it represents a brand new 'mixed' train of HAA's etc... until future batches of the HMA Mainline blue become avaliable. But thats someting to look forward to. I am very happy for now.

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