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Class 31 - 31432

SKU ACC2761-31432

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DOSBARTH 31 Nodweddion Cyffredin

  • Model medrydd OO hynod fanwl, graddfa 1:76.2 ar drac 16.5mm
  • Isafswm Radiws 438mm (2il Radiws Trac Set)
  • Sisiwn metel deigast trwm
  • Arddull un lori (bogie) gyda throed traed ar wahân, silindrau brêc, recordydd cyflymder a rigio brêc pen
  • Olwynion mesurydd OO proffil RP25-110
  • Blociau brêc ar bogies yn unol â'r olwynion
  • Canllawiau gwifren lled ar raddfa
  • Rhannau manwl metel/plastig ysgythru, gan gynnwys. cydio dolenni, grisiau, sychwyr, ac ati.
  • Gril to metel ysgythru
  • Platiau enw, placiau a saethau metel ysgythrog wedi'u peintio ymlaen llaw (os yw'n berthnasol)
  • Eirr eira bach ffyddlon iawn, siasi wedi'i osod
  • Manylion blwch batri is-gorff llawn/tanc aer gyda phibwaith
  • Manylion blaen cab ychwanegol ar gyfer locomotifau Network Rail
  • Clustogau sbring llawn, amrywiadau lluosog o bibellau a chyplyddion sgriw
  • Mowntiau cyplydd NEM cinetig ar uchder cywir gyda chyplyddion clo tensiwn bach

Nodweddion moethus

  • Mae pob model yn cynnwys ffan to cyflymder graddfa sy'n gweithio'n llawn, a fydd yn rhedeg ar DC a DCC., Ar reolaeth DCC, mae cyflymder y gefnogwr wedi'i raglennu'n llawn i efelychu symudiad cywir
  • Mae pob model yn nodwedd  System PowerPack Supercapacitor Stay-Alive ar gyfer goleuadau di-dor a heb fflachiadau a sain ddi-dor (yn gweithio ar DCC)

Nodweddion Cyngor Sir Ddinbych

  • DCC yn barod [Soced MTX 21-Pin]
  • Sain DCC wedi'i Gosod yn y Ffatri ar gael gyda ESU LokSound V5 wedi'i ffitio â siaradwr mawr a siaradwr arddull ciwb siwgr, gyda chapsiwlau sain mawr ar gyfer y sain gorau posibl (modelau Sain CSDd yn unig)
  • Synhwyrydd gwichian fflans olwyn ar locomotifau sain CSDd ar gyfer gwichian fflans awtomatig ar raglen sain

Nodweddion tyniant Perfformiad Uchel;

  • Modur 5-polyn o ansawdd uchel gyda dwy olwyn hedfan fawr
  • Blwch Helical Gear ar gyfer perfformiad mwyaf a chyflymder rhedeg araf
  • Gêrio wedi'u trefnu fel y gall locomotif gyrraedd cyflymder uchaf ar raddfa o 90 mya (145 km/a)
  • Mae echelau allanol ar bogies yn cael eu gyrru (echel ganol dymi sbring) ac yn codi pob olwyn

Nodweddion Pecyn Goleuo cwbl fanwl:

  • Goleuadau cyfeiriadol, DC a CSDd
  • Clystyrau goleuo gyda gosodiadau priodol yn ystod y dydd a'r nos
  • Goleuadau marciwr coch a gwyn y gellir eu newid (gellir troi golau coch ymlaen neu'r ddau ymlaen)
  • Goleuadau cab wedi'u diffodd ar wahân a'u goleuo, desg y gyrrwr gyda symudiad auto/diffodd

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
James M.
Perfect Ped!

A really impressive little beast - accurately proportioned detail and a look that captures the face and body profile very nicely. The loco is a smooth, effortless runner and the livery application is fantastic - great colours and sharp printing in all the right places. Highly recommended!

David H.
Class 31/4 Review

The BR blue 31/4 is an absolutely superb model of the ‘Goyle’.

The eyepatch (reinforced drivers window) is an especially nice edition which hasn’t been model previously on an RTR loco.

Already looking forward to receiving the two others that’s I have on preorder

Allan C.
It's in the detail!

Great looking, well priced very highly detailed model that runs well straight from the box. Fantastic interior detail aswell. I feel the tension lock coupling is too large and doesn't match their other wagons-its nem so can be easily changed. The magnetic roof pannel is difficult to remove and I ended up scratching the paint off the handles while trying to open it. The fan doesn't work out of the box you need to set the dip switches first -I purched the DC version and have now fitted a sound decoder- still need to sort the functions out as the lights don't work correctly even when the dip switches are set as instructed-still work in progress. Get one while you can!

David H.
Class class 31

Beautiful brilliant model. Smooth running at all speeds. I haven’t taken the body off and I doubt I will after the nightmare I had with the Deltics. Hopefully things have improved since then. It’s perfect just the way it is. Running on analogue.



John B.
The definitive Class 31.

I knew this locomotive was going to be good but it is exceptional. The detail, paint finish, working roof fan etc are superb and once you fit a crew or two in my case, it comes alive with the most realistic sound I have heard in a model locomotive. The cold start is brilliant and I love it. You can hear mine on U Tube on John Brown9092.

Ian T.
Great looking and finished model

I held off purchase of a Class 31 many years ago and was delighted to see Accurascale announce these. Whilst there was plenty of choice of Class 31 models none of them were an ideal fit for me which still niggles me a bit but did not wish to miss having an example - this being the closest. Overall it is a superb looking model which captures the look of the real thing really well. As with all other Accurascale locomotives this one doesn't disappoint - can't wait for the 50's.


Very impressive model, it’s detail, sound and running qualities are fantastic.

Gary S.
Exquisite Detail

The detail on 31432 is just exquisite, the shape looks spot on and it runs and sounds well. Only minor gripe is some parts displaced in transit - no. 2 end coupler, ETH jumper, second mans side windscreen wiper and speedo cable all knocked off, but in the packaging, so able to be refitted. Otherwise really pleased with the loco.

Dave R.
Outstanding level of detail

This must be a contender for model of the year, from its shape to the detail and separately fitted parts that make the model to the exemplary sounds. Definitely captures the real thing in miniature. Very impressed.