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92009 - 'Marco Polo'

SKU ACC2192-92009
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Original price £0.00 - Original price £0.00
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£0.00 - £0.00
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DCC: DCC Ready

92009 – ‘Marco Polo’ Cast Plate

  • DB Dearg

Nòta: Tha dealbhan a’ sealltainn nan sampallan sgeadaichte, a gheibh ceartachaidhean agus fìnealtas a bharrachd mus tèid an lìbhrigeadh.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, 1: 76.2
  • chassis meatailt alloy die-cast
  • Air a sholarachadh DCC deiseil [21Pin MTC Socket] no Factaraidh DCC Sound Fitted
  • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs air leth agus pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh plastaigeach àrd-dhìlseachd, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, ceumannan, wipers, clàran-ainm, suaicheantasan agus barrachd.
  • Càraidean glas teann teannachaidh aig an àirde cheart le socaid NEM a bharrachd air bufairbeam làn mhionaideach
  • Tarraing àrd-choileanadh, a’ toirt a-steach;
    • Motair còig-pòla le dà chuibhle
    • Bogsa Gear Helical Metal airson an coileanadh as àirde agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
    • Gearing air a chuir air dòigh airson astar àrd ceart
    • DCC deiseil le PowerPack capacitor airson cumhachd gun bhriseadh
    • A h-uile draibhear cuibhle agus togail cuibhle gu lèir
  • Pantographs le motair dùbailte le làn smachd DCC
  • Pasgan Solais làn mhionaideach, a’ gabhail a-steach:
    • Solais stiùiridh, DC agus DCC
    • Braislichean solais le modhan latha is oidhche iomchaidh
    • Solais chomharran dearg is geal
    • Solais cab air a chuir air leth agus air a shoilleireachadh, mion-fhiosrachadh air consol an draibhear, cuir dheth gu fèin-ghluasadach air gluasad
  • cuibhlichean RP25-110 cuibhlichean OO le ullachadh airson ath-thomhas gu p4 (18.83mm) agus tomhas EM (18mm)
  • Dà neach-labhairt càileachd le capsalan fuaim mòr airson an fhuaim as fheàrr (* air modalan le fuaim)
  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprùilleach
  • Pìob obair-pìoba a bharrachd air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh

Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Peter T.
Class 92 Marco Polo

This is my first loco from Accurascale I have another 4 on order, this loco is excellent and sounds brilliant as well. Runs smooth straight out of the box, paint finish looks spot on and it is nice to have the window blinds to fit a nice finishing touch. I purchased the pack of drivers at the same time only thing I would say is the instructions to take the cab out could be better as the picture show the cabs on the chassis nothing mentioned about taking the light cluster out before the cab could be removed from the body. Looking forward to more product from them.

David A.

A very impressive locomotive. Its striking colour makes it stand out on any layout. When you add the build and incorporated details into the mix it is raises it to the highest level.
A brilliant model in all departments.

Tom D.
Another incredible Dyson

These models are simply incredible in every way, all 4 of my 92's are sound fitted & I just love playing with all the functions available. If the 92's are this good, I'm dying for the 89.

John S.
Marco Polo Accurascale Authentic

There is a lot you can say about this Authentic scale Engine and lacking is NOT one of them. Besides looking good it packs an awesome sound . And moving DCC pantographs

Philip P.
Acurascale marco polo

A fantastic detailed model the running of the loco is superb especially straight out of the box a great crawling speed the sound is great very happy with my purcase well done acurascale with thismodel I would recommend this locomotive to anybody

Henry J.
A birthday present

Marco Polo has been bought in advance of a birthday, as stocks were OK at the time of ordering but possibly not in a few weeks’ time. So, on arrival (very well packaged!), the loco was unpacked and tested briefly and then put back in the packaging. The detail was apparent, and as expected, the loco ran (briefly) back and forwards, the lights tested, the sound switched on, and that’s as far as we got until the aforementioned birthday.

Tim L.
Marco Polo

With stocks of these rapidly dwindling I grabbed the DB liveried pair. As the extent of my scale catenary so far is a 12 foot test track, this does make running the 92s a tad restrictive, and I'm not going to add third rail to the layout simply to run the early ones. I've heard the arguments about the over scale pantograph heads, and yes I accept they don't sit quite right when retracted, but watching the pan moving up and down slightly as it follows the OLE is just stunning. No surprise whatsoever that most are already out of stock, and I'm just hoping that there are some that have been kept back for warranty et cetera that, as with the Deltics, Accurascale will release in due course so that I can grab one that I missed.

Ian F.
Class 92

The loco is a great modle of the class Goid detail and excellent sound.

Reviewer avatar
John C.
Silk and not Satin.

What can one say after the superb model Deltic arrivals from Accurascale? Now we have the amazing working pantographed Class 92. These model locomotives are wonderful in all aspects of the real thing. I am totally bowled over by the details, printing, and packaging of an excellent 00 Scale RTR engine by Accura. It is that simple, without going over the top, these are pure Silk compared to any Satin rolling stock from other manufacturers.

Reviewer avatar
John C.
On the Silk Rail Trail to DB.

What can one say after the superb model Deltic arrivals from Accurascale? Now we have the amazing working pantographed Class 92. These model locomotives are wonderful in all aspects of the real thing. I am totally bowled over by the details, printing, and packaging of an excellent 00 Scale RTR engine by Accura. It is that simple, without going over the top, these are pure Silk compared to any Satin rolling stock from other manufacturers.