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SKU ACC2193-92010
Sold out
Original price £158.32 - Original price £233.32
Original price
£158.32 - £233.32
Current price £158.32
Out of stock
Out of stock
DCC: DCC Ready


  • Caledonian Sleeper

Nòta: Tha dealbhan a’ sealltainn nan sampallan sgeadaichte, a gheibh ceartachaidhean agus fìnealtas a bharrachd mus tèid an lìbhrigeadh.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Modail sgèile OO fìor mhionaideach, 1: 76.2
  • chassis meatailt alloy die-cast
  • Air a sholarachadh DCC deiseil [21Pin MTC Socket] no Factaraidh DCC Sound Fitted
  • Meatailt eitseil air a chuir an sàs air leth agus pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh plastaigeach àrd-dhìlseachd, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, ceumannan, wipers, clàran-ainm, suaicheantasan agus barrachd.
  • Càraidean glas teann teannachaidh aig an àirde cheart le socaid NEM a bharrachd air bufairbeam làn mhionaideach
  • Tarraing àrd-choileanadh, a’ toirt a-steach;
    • Motair còig-pòla le dà chuibhle
    • Bogsa Gear Helical Metal airson an coileanadh as àirde agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
    • Gearing air a chuir air dòigh airson astar àrd ceart
    • DCC deiseil le PowerPack capacitor airson cumhachd gun bhriseadh
    • A h-uile draibhear cuibhle agus togail cuibhle gu lèir
  • Pantographs le motair dùbailte le làn smachd DCC
  • Pasgan Solais làn mhionaideach, a’ gabhail a-steach:
    • Solais stiùiridh, DC agus DCC
    • Braislichean solais le modhan latha is oidhche iomchaidh
    • Solais chomharran dearg is geal
    • Solais cab air a chuir air leth agus air a shoilleireachadh, mion-fhiosrachadh air consol an draibhear, cuir dheth gu fèin-ghluasadach air gluasad
  • cuibhlichean RP25-110 cuibhlichean OO le ullachadh airson ath-thomhas gu p4 (18.83mm) agus tomhas EM (18mm)
  • Dà neach-labhairt càileachd le capsalan fuaim mòr airson an fhuaim as fheàrr (* air modalan le fuaim)
  • Bufairean meatailt làn sprùilleach
  • Pìob obair-pìoba a bharrachd air an uidheamachadh le factaraidh

Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)

Customer Reviews

Based on 118 reviews
Anthony W.

Another amazing loco from accurascale, especially with the motorised pantograph.


Excellent build quality and detailing

Chris S.
Overall excellent model

Very good model. The finish is excellent, the cab reasonably well detailed and the lighting is superb, especially the light units. The pantograph works well too, although it's a shame it doesn't sit lower when down. Runs well even from speed step one with a DCC chip in. Areas that could be better would be the presence of the three-piece valance around the front and the bolts around the windscreens plus the bogies are a little disappointing. The cab is really difficult the extract to fit the blinds. Don't believe the how to guide - it does not simple pull out. I had to break off the lightbar and lever the cab from side-to-side to get it out.

Anthony W.
Accurascale class92 Caledonian

An absolutely amazing model for the price.
Runs like a dream.

Gary a.C.S.
Much better than a Dyson!

What a beast 92010 has turned out to be.

The detail is stupendous. The functioning pantographs are a dream to watch in action and add another depth to the plethora of features already crammed into such a complicated machine. This unit is almost as complicated as a real class 92. The detail is so intense I half expected the DC collector shoes to also start working and drop down onto the third rail!

The 92 is another great asset to my depot allocation and I'm sure this beast will be the pride of my fleet for some time to come.

Mark W.

Unfortunately nowhere to run it yet but a stunning model. Jus5 need another run of sleeper coaches now, hint, hint!

Steven M.
The best model ever!?

Great model from every angle it is bursting with detail, I especially love the exclusive box and certificate. Model looks great in this livery is stunning. Manages to pull my rake of mk5 sleepers easily, highly reccomend

Jonathon M.S.
The 92

Very very happy, ticks every box 👍

Andrew P.
Fabulous 92

Excellent model extremely well packaged and delivered promptly !

Danny I.
92010 Caledonian sleeper

This class 92 is absolutely stunning the attention to detail is amazingly superb such a fantastic loco I would definitely love to get another one in my collection 10 out 10 well done accurascale team 🤩