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Accurathrash Class 31 Loksound DCC Sound Decoder

Original price £91.62 - Original price £91.62
Original price
£91.62 - £91.62
Current price £91.62
in stock, ready to be shipped
LokSound V5 DCC Sound Chip

Air a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte airson an locomotaibh cruinn Clas 31 , bidh an decoder seo ag obair gu sgiobalta leis an t-solais air bòrd, siostam fuireach beò PowerPack agus rèiteachadh neach-labhairt dùbailte gus fuaim àbhaisteach agus gnìomh Deltic a ath-riochdachadh aig an obair.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Tha an decoder LokSound 5 ag obair airson cruth analog DC agus AC (!).


    Faodaidh an decoder LokSound 5 suas ri 10 seanalan ath-riochdachadh aig an aon àm. Bidh gach seanal a’ tabhann suas ri 16 Bit / 31250 kHz agus mar sin tha sinn mu dheireadh air càileachd fuaim hi-fi a choileanadh air do chruth. Airson a h-uile adhbhar practaigeach chan urrainn dha eadar-dhealachadh sam bith a lorg bhon fhear thùsail. Bidh amplifier cumhachd claisneachd clas D le suas ri cumhachd toraidh 3W a ’biathadh an luchd-labhairt le bacadh ceadaichte de 4 - 32 Ohms. Tha an cuimhne fuaim mòr 128 MBit a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil comas stòraidh gu leòr ann.

    Faodar tomhas-lìonaidh nam criomagan fuaim fa leth atharrachadh fa leth. Tha an einnsean fuaim air leth sùbailte às aonais cairt sruthadh teann a’ comasachadh atharrais prototypical de gach carbad rèile a ghabhas smaoineachadh. Bheir trì gnìomhan breiceadh fa leth a ghabhas atharrachadh agus dà shuidheachadh luchdan eile dhut an smachd as motha air do charbadan.


    Tha sinn gu math mothachail gu bheil thu airson gum bi na locomotaibhean agad cho fìrinneach sa ghabhas. Mar sin tha sinn air mòran thoraidhean gnìomh a phacadh a-steach dha. Le ùmhlachd don t-seòrsa eadar-aghaidh tha co-dhiù 10 toraidhean leudaichte aig gach LokSound 5. Tha 4 toraidhean a bharrachd aig na decoders le eadar-aghaidh PluX22 no 21MTC airson smachd a chumail air servos no mar thoraidhean loidsig. Gu dearbh, tha a h-uile gnìomh solais cudromach a ’faighinn taic. Faodar soilleireachd gach toraidh atharrachadh air leth. Bidh an decoder a’ toirt taic do ghluasadan putadh is tarraing fèin-ghluasadach - ris an canar waltz an càraidean - a tha riatanach airson obrachadh earbsach de chàraidean didseatach leithid an fheadhainn le ROCO® agus Krois® a bharrachd air càraidean Telex®.

    Smachd motair

    Chaidh smachd motair air an LokSound 5 a leasachadh tuilleadh. Bidh tricead cuisle PWM caochlaideach eadar 10 kHz agus 50 kHz a’ dèanamh cinnteach à obrachadh sàmhach foirfe, gu sònraichte airson motaran gun chridhe. Mar sin tha an hum àbhaisteach na rud bhon àm a dh’ fhalbh. Faodar smachd luchdan a-nis atharrachadh le suas ri 10 CBan fa leth agus mar sin stiùiridh e eadhon na cùisean as duilghe. Tha an gnìomh sònraichte “Auto Tune” a ’comasachadh calibration fèin-ghluasadach an decoder gus a bhith a’ maidseadh an motair gu foirfe. Bidh an decoder LokSound 5 a’ toirt seachad suas ri sruth motair 1.5A, a tha gu leòr eadhon airson seann sheòrsan motair.

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Mark W.
Class 31 sound decoder

Absolutely fantastic. Perfectly complements the new class 31 model! I tried to go with a HM7000 decoder first which works fine with the new 31 but just didn’t really hit the spot. Great work Accurascale, quality products as always.

Kerrie P.

Great sound and an easy install. Postage to Australia nice and fast to boot .
Very happy overall

Phil E.
Brings the loco to life

Very easy to fit the decoder via the roof hatch and the sound is great. Also lovely to have access to the whole suite of lighting possibilities on the loco. The Accurathrash speaker wouldn't fit through the roof hatch and I had to take the body off to fit it - which meant being very careful around some of the detail parts. The speaker was also slightly too long to fit into the space provided so I had to hacksaw off the end of one of its lugs. Not a problem for a modeller but worth bearing in mind. Definitely worth the effort though!

John W.
Great sound file

Firstly, this is a great sound file and there is no doubt about it. But I just can’t give any sound chip from any company 5 star due to the original costs of chips. It’s not an Accurascale issue, it’s an issue I have with sound chip manufacturers.

I also don't understand how an item listed on the website as In Stock can take 2 months to be delivered. If it's not actually in stock please list it as preorder like your other stuff (still waiting for an "in stock" class 30 chip I ordered in August that wasn't actually in stock but on order and it's November)

Trevor J.
Another class product!

Accurascale pull out all the stops again.
Great sound decoder with an Accurathrash speaker. We’re getting spoiled by the quality of your products.

Class 31 Loksound DCC Sound Decoder

Class 31 Loksound DCC Sound Decoder excellent sound, paticularly the trob of the engine, easy to fit, no hassle.

John W.
Accuascale class 31

Excellent service
With an excellent loco thrown in

Michael H.

Does exactly what it says it will.

Kevin N.
One of the best Brush Type 2 Sound files out there!

This is a must! Captures the sounds of a 31 like the powerunit, horns, brake release, turbo etc. 10/10 👍💯

Chris P.
Class 31 sound decoder

I have about 55 to 60 sound fitted locomotives about 10 steam and the rest diesel and this is up there with my favourite top5, the accurathrash speaker works very well depicting that deep bass of the power unit yet the horns come across really nice through the sugar cube up next to the fan and finally the chip was so easy to fit, top class model with an awesome sound file 👍🏼