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Class 31 - 31128

SKU ACC2781-31128

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CLAS 31 Feartan Coitcheann

  • Modail tomhais OO fìor mhionaideach, sgèile 1:76.2 air slighe 16.5mm
  • Radius as ìsle 438mm (2na slighe seata radius)
  • Caissis meatailt trom die-cast
  • Stoidhlichean aon làraidh (bogie) le ceuman-coise air leth, siolandairean breic, inneal-clàraidh astair agus rigging breic deiridh
  • RP25-110 pròifil cuibhlichean tomhais OO
  • Blocaichean breic air bogies a rèir cuibhlichean
  • Rèile-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachadh meatailt / plastaig, incl. greim làimhe, steapaichean, wipers, etc.
  • Grill mullach meatailt eitseil
  • Plàtaichean-ainm, clàran agus saighdean meatailt air am peantadh ro-làimh (ma tha sin iomchaidh)
  • Treabhadh-sneachda beag-dhìleas fìor-dhìleas, inneal air a chuir a-steach
  • Bogsa bataraidh làn fo-bodhaig/tanca-adhair mionaideach le obair-pìoba
  • Fiosrachadh aghaidh cab a bharrachd airson locomotaibhean Network Rail
  • Bufairean làn sprung, iomadach atharrachadh pìobaireachd agus sgriubha co-cheangailte
  • Cupladair Kinetic NEM a’ cur suas aig an àirde cheart le càraidean glas-teannachaidh beag

Feartan Deluxe

  • Tha a h-uile modal a’ nochdadh neach-leantainn mullach làn-astar a tha ag obair gu h-iomlan, a ruitheas air DC agus DCC., Air smachd DCC, tha astar an neach-leantainn làn phrògramadh gus atharrais air gluasad ceart
  • Tha na modailean uile a’ nochdadh  siostam PowerPack supercapacitor Stay-Alive airson cumhachd gun bhriseadh agus solais gun bhriseadh agus fuaim gun bhriseadh (ag obair air DCC)

Feartan DCC

  • DCC deiseil [21-Pin MTX Socket]
  • Fuaim DCC air a chuir a-steach le factaraidh ri fhaighinn le ESU LokSound V5 air a uidheamachadh le neach-labhairt mòr  agus neach-labhairt stoidhle sugarcube, le capsalan fuaim mòr airson an fhuaim as fheàrr (modalan DCC Sound a-mhàin)
  • Sensor squeal flange cuibhle air locomotaibhean uidheamaichte le fuaim DCC airson squeal flange fèin-ghluasadach air prògram fuaim

Feartan tarraing Àrd-choileanadh;

  • Motair 5-pòla de chàileachd àrd le dà chuibhle mhòr
  • Bogsa gèar helical airson an coileanadh as àirde agus astar slaodach a’ ruith
  • Gearradh air a chuir air dòigh gus an urrainn do locomotaibh astar as àirde de 90 msu (145 km/h)
  • a choileanadh
  • Tha tuaghan a-muigh air bogies air an stiùireadh (aiseil meadhan dùmhail sprung) agus togail cuibhle gu lèir

Feartan Pasgan Solais làn mhionaideach:

  • Soilse stiùiridh, DC agus DCC
  • Còmhdaichean solais le suidheachaidhean iomchaidh a latha is a dh’oidhche
  • Soilse comharran dearg is geal a ghabhas atharrachadh (faodar dearg a chuir air solais fa leth no an dà chuid air)
  • Soilse cab air a chuir air leth agus air a shoilleireachadh, deasc an draibhear le gluasad fèin-ghluasadach / dheth

Lighting and DCC Specifics

Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews
Gary B.
Accurascale Class 31 BR Blue

Accurascale Class31 'Charybdls' BR Blue. Another fantastic model which ran smooth as silk as it glided across the rails and points without any glitches. I fitted the Driver/Second Man crew which was very easy as the body comes off very cleanly and the crew seats are there ready to install. much better system than having to remove a capsule which I have never found simple. Has to be one of Accurascale's best loco's.

John S.
In a Class of its own

Build and detail is a world apart from years gone by from other suppliers. Attention to detail surpassed my expectations. Plus a floating centre bogie on front and rear helps to negotiate some imperfections on my layout that rigid 3 wheel bogie’s are unforgiving . All I need to do now is install the crew then all complete

Richard W.
Best loco so far!

Amazing model, bags of detail with endless playability. Feeling truly spoilt!

Another Super 31

I have added another Accurascale 31 to my collection! All have arrived in perfect condition and run like sewing machines. The level of detail is incredible. Can’t ask for more!

Class 31 128

The loco looks stunning. For too long various manufacturers have failed, in some cases quite noticeably with the correct shade of BR blue but you have nailed it, well done !!

Rory C.
Class 31 128

This model of a Class 31 from Accurascale is at the top of its game! I bought a Sound fitted model, it worked straight out of the box! If you can get one I wouldn’t wait too long because when they are gone, they are gone!

Tim J.
So Close to Perfection

Very happy to get 31128, second time up having prevaricated too long but when it arrived, excitement slightly dimmed being greeted with a missing buffer. No sign of the errant part either...not to worry though as the boys in service are sorting out a replacement ...when spares are available . As to the balance of the model, yet again another masterpiece. Didn't have a chance to order 31128 with sound but think I will be upgrading this. Truly lovely mode with a better looking "finish" than others I might mention. It looks great and runs effortlessly . Very happy with it, even sans a
buffer. Can't wait for my Network Rail Exclusive to arrive!

Adam R.
The only 31 everyone needs.

What a great model. Detail is impressive, very smooth running and Accurascales life time warranty make this the ultimate class 31.

Gary a.C.S.
A beautiful looking "gargoyle"!

The recent arrival of my non ETH "gargoyle" was the end of a patient anticipation filled wait.

The locomotive is gorgeous, dripping with details and looks the part.
I am concerned about the access "covers" on the base of the bogies. These are to protect the driving gears and are only held on by delicate fragile clips. This is a bad design and more structural robustness should be incorporated within the design going forward.
The locomotive running sweetly and regularly rostered on my regular freight workings.

Absolutely smashing details

I cannot imagine how this loco could be improved in any way. I absolutely love the smashing details!