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Class 55 'Deltic' Lokpilot DCC Decoder

Original price £29.12 - Original price £29.12
Original price
£29.12 - £29.12
Current price £29.12
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Dì-chòdachadh locomotive DCC

Dì-chòdachadh LokPilot DCC (Gun fhuaim)

Custom air a phrògramadh airson locomotaibhean cruinn, gus brath a ghabhail air an t-sreath solais slàn agus PowerPack.

Feartan cumanta:

  • Faodar an decoder LokPilot 5 a chleachdadh air rathaidean-iarainn analog DC agus AC. Bidh an decoder ag atharrachadh eadar na modhan obrachaidh gu tur fèin-ghluasadach “air-the-fly”. Mar as trice chan fheumar dad a shuidheachadh.


    Tha fios againn gu bheil thu airson gum bi na locomotaibhean agad cho fìrinneach 'sa ghabhas. Mar sin, pacaich sinn an LokPilot 5 le toraidhean gnìomh. A rèir an dreach eadar-aghaidh, tha gach decoder LokPilot 5 a’ tabhann co-dhiù 10 toraidhean gnìomh leudaichte le sruth toraidh 250mA gach fear. Anns na dreachan le eadar-aghaidh PluX22 no 21MTC, tha toraidhean 4 air an cur ris gus smachd a chumail air servos no toraidhean ìre loidsig. Tha a h-uile gnìomh solais cudromach ri fhaighinn. Faodar soilleireachd gach toraidh a shuidheachadh air leth. Bidh an decoder a’ dèanamh maighstireachd air a’ bhrùthadh is an dealachadh fèin-ghluasadach nuair a bhios e a’ dì-cheangal airson càraidean ROCO®, Krois® agus Telex®.

    Smachd motair

    Tha smachd einnsean an LokPilot 5 air a leasachadh gu bunaiteach a-rithist. Bidh tricead gleoc PWM a ghabhas atharrachadh bho 10kHz gu 50kHz a’ dèanamh cinnteach à obrachadh air leth sàmhach, gu sònraichte le motaran clag-armature - tha an “hum” àbhaisteach mar rud san àm a dh’ fhalbh. Faodar an smachd luchdan a-nis atharrachadh gu cùisean duilich le suas ri 10 CVan. Tha an gnìomh sònraichte "Autotune" a’ toirt comas don decoder a bhith air a chalabadh gu fèin-ghluasadach chun motair. Le suas ri 1.5A sruth motair, tha an decoder LokPilot 5 a’ toirt seachad sùgh gu leòr eadhon airson motaran nas sine.

    Sàbhailteachd obrachaidh


    A PowerPack a cheangal ris an LokPilot 5 gus earrannan rèile salach a dhùnadh agus tha e air a ghabhail a-steach anns a h-uile locos cruinn mar ìre àbhaisteach


    Gu dearbh, tha a h-uile toradh gnìomh agus toradh motair air an dìon bho cus luchd. Tha sinn airson 's gun còrd an decoder agad riut cho fada 's as urrainn dhut.

Customer Reviews

Based on 36 reviews
Simon B.

This is the second Lokpilot decoder I have broght for this Class 55 loco and so far it is working well. The previous decoder just got hot and would not work. I would say they are of varing quality as I had a Class 92 decoder pack up as well.

Barry W.
Lokpilot DCC class 55 decoder

Delivered on time. Works perfectly as expected from Accurascale

Mark T.

A superb addition that brings my model of 55015 alive


Great value decoder

Gerry B.
Class 55 Lokpilot Decoder

Great decoder easy to fit works well

Stewart W.
Top deal

Great decoder everything works great including all the lights

Neil s.

Great item once again from my favorite model railway company⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Paul C.
Class 55 DCC

I finally got round to converting my Class 55 to DCC.
I didn’t go for sound this time. A removable roof section, genius.
The decoder fits in easily, and works like a dream.

Christopher G.
Class 55 deltic lokpilot decoder

Easy to use and easy to fit works well .

Neil s.
Lok Pilot decoder esu

Once again fast postage and very helpful service from my favorite model railway company who looks after the modellers!!!
Next day post service 100%👍👍
Looking forward to more top models in 2024..