Stella Coal Company Chaldron Pack— Accurascale Rach gu susbaint

Stella Coal Company Chaldron Pack

Iad uile air an reic
Prìs tùsail £37.49 - Prìs tùsail £37.49
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£37.49 - £37.49
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Iad uile air an reic
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Ioma-phasgan trì carbadan, NER 4T Chaldron

Pasgan G: Stella Coal Co. - Sàr dheagh eisimpleir air mar a bha Caldrons air an cumail ann an seirbheis, gan càradh mar a bha feum, gus an robh iad iomchaidh airson connadh a-mhàin. Trì Chaldrons ann an stoidhle S&DR, timcheall air 1950.

Anns an robh trì carbadan, leis an àireamh:

  • 84
  • 33
  • 50

Tha cuspair air a h-uile pasgan a chaidh a thoirt a-mach le mèinn, agus tha gach waggon a chithear stèidhichte air fianais dhealbhan agus iomradh air clàran mèinnean gus stoidhlichean litrichean a dhearbhadh. Tha dìreach aon stoidhle waggon ann an cuid de phasganan, agus tha stoidhlichean measgaichte ann an cuid eile far a bheil rannsachadh air sealltainn gun robh iad ag obair còmhla ri chèile.

Liosta nan Sònrachaidhean:

  • Faisean meatailt die-cast le bodhaig plastaig. Cuideam de 9g gun luchdachadh.
  • Ag obair thairis air cromagan radius as ìsle (371mm, slighe seata radius 1d)
  • Còig diofar dhealbhaidhean bodhaig, a’ còmhdach ùine bho 1840 gu 1978.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de dhealbhadh cuibhle; bhruidhinn sgoltadh, bhruidhinn rionnag agus bhruidhinn tonn, gu pròifil 00 trast-thomhas dubh RP25-88.
  • Tri stoidhlichean de rèiteachadh breiceadh agus làmhan breic, le diofar sheòrsaichean de bhlocaichean agus breic seòrsa clasp Londonderry nas toinnte.
  • Tri rèiteachadh de ‘bang-boards’.
  • ‘Bùird sanntach’ a bharrachd a ghabhas toirt air falbh (leudachadh bùird chòmhnard air a’ bhodhaig) gu Ionad-obrach Shildon a chaidh a thogail Chaldron, a’ toirt barrachd luchdaidh guail.
  • Rèile-làimhe uèir leud-sgèile, ceangal giallan prìne meatailt agus luamhan breic-làimhe uèir/etch.
  • Pàirtean mion-fhiosrachaidh meatailt/plastaig air a bhleith, a’ toirt a-steach làmhan grèim, prìneachan dìon dorais, puingean slabhraidh chassis agus slabhraidhean sàbhailteachd ann am meatailt.
  • Wagons ceangailte tro shlabhraidh ghrinn ceangail ùr le cinn magnaiteach Neodymium, ceangailte aig a’ charbad tro cheangal prìne cotter prototypical.
  • Dà cheangail magnetach a bharrachd le NEM air an toirt seachad le pacaidean wagon gus leigeil le bhith a’ freagairt air locomotaibhean agus/no stoc-rèile a bharrachd.
  • Tha obair-ealain a’ nochdadh comharran agus àireamhan dearbhte mu mhèinnean, neo-mhearachdach gu ùine air a mhodaladh agus stèidhichte air fìor fhianais dhealbhan far a bheil sin comasach.
  • Cuideachadh rannsachaidh a bharrachd air a thoirt seachad le Taigh-tasgaidh Beamish Living, Bowes Railway agus Comann Rèile an Ear-thuath.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Paul S.
Delightfully Quirky Wagons - 3

I bought these out of curiosity, mainly for display, along with the Vane/Londonderry and Seaham models. However, they are so interesting that I'm now looking for a way to incorporate them into a working layout.


What can I say excellent detail good runners . All good 👍

Daniel B.
Stella Coal Company Chaldron Pack

Absolutely brilliant, nothing else like it on the market.

David H.
Nice Little Wagons

I have no need for these little wagons but had to buy them as my Mother’s name is ‘Stella’. They make an unusual addition to my collection and as usual the quality is first class. Thank-you Accurascale.

Dave P.
Very impressed

Amazed by the amount and quality of details and livery finish. Very impressed with the magnetic couplings, so easy and efficient to use and in true keeping with the scale.

Less is more

Great little wagons, nothing else like them currently in the market

What A.T.B.
Chaldrons on the LMR

I have a rake of 9 Accurascale Chaldrons.

Firstly, they are gorgeous and look terrific behind Rocket and Lion. Very period correct. Some may want to offer the intermodal LMR coal wagons as a rejoinder, but the coal trade persisted using chaldrons! (Hint Accurascale: mechanical drawings exist for that intermodal wagon.) We also have illustrations of the navies working on the LMR with Chaldrons.

Now on to some performance. The inside bearings offer some frictional resistance beyond outside pinpoint bearings. The Hornby Lion can easily pull 15 pieces of Hornby LMR rolling stock, but experiences wheel slip with 9 chaldrons. To get the same level of performance with Lion, I must drop to 6 chaldrons. Rocket, with even less tractive effort, can only handle 3 chaldrons. Double heading Rocket and Lion is sufficient to handle 9 chaldrons but I am uncertain how many more they can handle.

The magnetic couplings are wonderful. Those who have the ferrous chains will know that the magnet will tangle up. Here is a simple trick to alleviate all of that. Get a larger rare earth magnet and use it to straighten the chain, keeping the magnet out of contact, but close enough for magnetic force to overcome the attraction to the ferrous chain.

Removing the greedy boards was an easy choice for me. Yet off chaldron, they are extremely fragile and will break. The purchaser would be well advised to decide on or off, and keep it that way. Too fragile otherwise.

John W.
Absolutely Wonderful!

The care and the attention to detail Accurascale put in to researching these wagons is only matched by the quality of the models themselves. They are not so much a model of a wagon type, but three models of three wagons, with distinguishing details that reward the patient viewer. Hands down, the chaldrons are the finest bits of rolling stock in my collection.

Steven J.
Delightful pack of wagons

Beautifully well detailed that really look the part. All in all, a delightful pack of wagons.


Amazing detail, brilliantly presented and a reasonable price for what you get. It misses out on a perfect score because of a couple of odd materials choices: if using magnetic coupling, it doesn’t make much sense to use steel for the chains and chassis as well.

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